Thursday, April 22, 2021

Sorry, I can't hear you. I have a reusable Q-tip in my ear

Here's something new. I don't usually use cotton swabs, but once in a while I do. If I did I would use the all paper and cotton ones, not the plastic stick ones. Most people may have seen the image of the tiny sea horse with it's tail wrapped around a floating Q-tip, oy...

Anywhoo, I saw this brand of a reusable swab and figured I'd give it a try. I also purchased one for my husband and one for my son. They come in different colors so we could always tell them apart, which is nice. It isn't soft like a cotton swab, but you use it more to scoop out the wax! If you have water in your ears, use your towel to get it out. Or I'll share another method later in the post with the different things you can use 1 piece of tissue for in one go!

There are other brands of a similar product, but I just went with this one. Here's where I bought it.

Last Object 

They sell other reusable alternatives as well.

 After using the swab, you just wash it with soap and water. The little case makes it nice because besides having a place to keep it, you can also set it in there to dry.

If you've tried this product or a similar one, please share your experience! And of course if you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments. Thanks!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Reusable face masks

 Hi! Sorry for the lack of posts here. I guess I've been a bit distracted with life's goings on.

I wanted to talk briefly about face masks, because you know, there's a pandemic and all. If we're going to get control of the rising cases of COVID-19, people have to get serious and do their part. Wearing a mask and social distancing is going to work. Listen to the science. People just have to do it! 

The nice thing is, there are a lot of options out there now for masks. You don't have to buy the throw away kind that just adds to the landfill. There are some super fun designs out there that are reusable and they are a good, safe option. I've tried a bunch of different types and have found this one from

so far to be the most comfortable. The draw strings help you fit it just right and it's easier to breath in. They also have a lot of pretty colorful designs and they come in adult and kid sizes. An extra nice thing, for every mask you buy, they give one to a person in need. Not only that but:

JOAH LOVE is proudly made in the USA, with our fabrics knit at local textile companies in Los Angeles, and we make sustainability a priority.

ahhhh, that's what I like to hear, sustainability...


I also just bought a couple of bandanas to see how those work as masks. A company I found that is also sustainable, plus removes plastic from oceans is

What masks have you found that you like? Please share here in the comments.

Thanks and take care!


Thursday, March 5, 2020

Safety razors!

I've been using this for a while now and am very pleased with it.

There is absolutely no plastic involved and it's practically waste free! I bought mine on amazon, but I know they are available in many stores: Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Walmart just to name a few. Some other online options are: and

Be sure to soap up though when you use the safety razor or use a nice environmentally friendly shaving cream. I can do my underarms in the shower, but prefer to shave my legs outside of the shower. This is just because I don't want to waste water and in order to get the best angle for shaving. The shavers don't have a pivoting head, so it's all about the correct angle. It's a good idea to maybe watch a youtube video on how to use them, just to make sure you have the right idea. Below is a little gif showing how to open and insert the blades.

It's ridiculous to use disposable, plastic razors that add to landfills when this option is available. Unfortunately millions of razors end up in landfills every year. MILLIONS. They are not recyclable.

So, consider purchasing one of these safety razors. They last for years and years and if you end up needing to get a new one, it is recyclable!

Please feel free to add a comment with your experience or with any questions you may have. It's always great to share!


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Who gives a crap- no, it's toilet paper!

We're on our second shipment (or "shitment" HA!) of a product made by a company called who gives a crap
Yes, you read that right.

It's plastic free packaging, 100% recycled materials toilet paper! Delivered right to your door. We love it. You can subscribe for scheduled deliveries or just go up and order when you need it. They have other options as well, like bamboo, which is sustainably grown. You can also try their tissues or paper towels if you need them. We've ordered a few paper towel rolls as well and they work great.

It's pretty reasonably priced and wayyyyy better for the planet and ultimately mankind! Which is the point, right?

Before finding this company, I had been looking everywhere for a place that sells toilet paper NOT wrapped in plastic. Couldn't find it. Think of all of the plastic produced out there just to wrap toilet paper that is used to wipe your arse! All that plastic is here for hundreds of years now, destroying and polluting the only home we have.

So forget COSTCO for your bum wiping needs, go for this instead!

As always, if you have a comment or something you can share, please do!


Friday, December 13, 2019

Plastic free teeth! Huh?

Tooth brushes: First and the easiest transition is BAMBOO TOOTHBRUSHES! Personally, I love them. My son and I both use them.They are biodegradable, so your tooth brush won't be around hundreds of years after you're gone!

Here are some buying options.

Tooth paste: I've been using environmentally friendly toothpaste for years, but recently starting thinking about all the plastic that goes into caring for our teeth! The one I was using still had fluoride and was packaged in a plastic tube. Here is what I've been using now for a while. There are some I'm still trying out. So far I've been happy with Davids.

The thing about environmentally friendly tooth paste is, well, they don't usually contain fluoride. Because really, fluoride is a toxin. I haven't had a problem so far and have been to the dentist with no cavities. Yet...  Obviously, that is a personal choice if you want/need fluoride or not.

I also tried a tooth powder (pictured in the first image above) it's ok, but takes some getting used to. It has a saltier taste due to the baking soda I guess. I prefer the paste my self.

Here is where I've bought Davids:

The tooth powder, here:

Dental floss: This product I've been really amazed by.
It comes in the cutest little glass bottle with a metal head. The floss itself is made of silk and coated with Candelilla wax. Works great and is all biodegradable. You also just order refills of the floss!

Here is where I bought it:

I know a lot of these products I've posted can be purchased in other places. The links I've shared are just where I've actually bought things from. A warning, especially with buying things online. Be sure they are using sustainable packaging! I bought a toothpaste on Amazon that LOOKED like it was in a metal tube but it was a PLASTIC tube made to look like metal...oy vay.

Another consideration. I know when you go to the dentist it's oh so tempting to take that little plastic bag from your hygienist with that FREE tooth brush, tooth paste and dental floss, but RESIST! It won't hurt their feelings, don't worry. They get that stuff for free from the big distributors. Maybe if enough people turn it down because of all the plastic, they'll get the idea that they need to make some changes...(sigh) 

Anyways, as always, please leave any comments, questions or share what you use in the comments here!


Friday, November 22, 2019

Natural toilet bowl cleaning!

I'm moving into the bathroom as far as some plastic free ideas. I wanted to start with toilet bowl cleaner.
Pictured here is what I've been using.

I purchased a glass spray bottle because I didn't have any spray bottles. There are many options on where to purchase these. Here are a couple.
wild minimalist


In the spray bottle I just put some white vinegar! To minimize the vinegar smell, I put some drops of essential oils. The one I bought was a lemongrass scent from Whole Foods for 5 bucks.

In the lidded glass jar is baking soda! I poked some holes in the lid to be able to sprinkle the baking powder into the bowl. I bought the jar at Target for a couple of dollars.

What you do Flush your toilet. When the water starts filling the bowl again just spray the vinegar solution and sprinkle the baking soda into the bowl. Let it sit for a bit, maybe 5 minutes. Also just spray the vinegar solution around the seat and outside of the toilet. Use your toilet brush inside the bowl and just a cloth to wipe around the outside of the toilet. Voila!

If you need a new toilet brush, there are some nice wood options instead of plastic! Here is one I plan on buying soon. Maybe I'll treat myself for my birthday or Christmas!

Vinegar is a great natural cleaner. You can use it on a lot of different surfaces. Here is an article from about 28 ways to use vinegar around the house.

As always, if you have some great ideas you've used to clean your toilets, please share!


Friday, November 15, 2019

Knock it off with the plastic water bottles already!

So, this one is pretty easy. There are sooooooo many super cute re-usable water bottles options out there, so no excuse grabbing one of those plastic, disposable ones! Plastic water bottles are a HUGE problem. They are everywhere. Recycling them doesn't necessarily happen. Treat yourself and your family members to some fun, cute water bottles!

Also note, my travel, insulated coffee cup. It keeps coffee warm for hours! Keep one in your car or purse even, for those unexpected trips to Peet's/Starbucks/Philz. Yeah...

Reasons to not use those plastic water bottles are endless. Not to mention some of the questionable practices of a few of the mega bottled water companies. Yikes!  I won't get into that here, but definitely research and find out for yourself.

Plus, there are studies showing how harmful chemicals from the plastic can leach into the water. Why take that chance?

"But Joy, I'm having a party and need a lot of water!" Well...


Get a few of these fun, glass water/beverage containers! They're cute and look festive as well. If you don't want to buy something like this, just use whatever containers you have around the house to hold liquids to serve: glass bottles, pitchers, whatever. Add some paper cups and have some sharpies available for peeps to write their names on them. They can draw on and decorate their cups, too!

Anyways, just some ideas to replace those plastic, disposable water bottles when you can.

If you have some ideas or things you've done, please leave a comment and share!

Have a great weekend!